Tension - background & useful information
Everyone can get painful muscular tensions.
Often these are so-called trigger points and trigger bands or another form of problem in the fascia tissue .
But what is behind it and where does it come from?
And most important: what can you do about it?

Fascia are sheaths or tubular structures that run
through your entire body.
Fascia and muscles form one unit and influence
each other via their tension.
Fascial problems can lead to orthopedic problems such as back, head or neck pain, tendon or muscle injuries, heel spurs, tennis elbows or ankle injuries.
Fascial problems
Fascia can cause problems when...
they are twisted or distorted
they are torn
they are sticking to each other
their metabolism is in disorder
their elasticity is impaired

You can solve fascia problems with targeted fascia training.
Freeceps was designed to do just that.
Common approaches to fascia training, such as the well-known foam rolling (fascia rolling), often fall short because they cannot reach the problematic, deeper regions.
The effect of fascia training
If you do fascia training regularly, you will cause positive things in you:
Adhesions and tensions in the tissue are released.
The pressure stimulates sensors that immediately relax the fascia tissue.
The metabolism is activated by squeezing the tissue like a sponge.
Movements become smoother.
Your flexibility and strength development may improve.
Limits of foam rolling
All fascia-related problems can be affected to a certain degree.
Solving a problem with traditional methods becomes more difficult, if the cause is
more localized, more longitudinal, narrower, smaller or located deeper.
Traditional methods can address some fascia issues only to a limited extent,
because they cannot produce sufficient pressure and friction.
Trigger points & trigger bands
What is a trigger point?
A trigger point consists of contracted and hardened tissue due to a lack of oxygen.
Trigger points can be caused by acute injuries, poor posture or stereotypical movement patterns.

What is a trigger band?
A trigger band is a twisted fascia producing a linear course of burning pain.
Trigger bands can be caused either by acute injuries or gradually by poor posture or stereotypical movement patterns.

Treatment of trigger points and trigger bands
Trigger points and trigger bands are fascial problems and are therefore treated like those with pressure & friction. Trigger points are treated with pressure, trigger bands with pressure and friction.
This is where Freeceps shows its strength!
Fascia rolls, for example, cannot build up any friction and therefore cannot treat trigger bands. A focused pressure point is required for trigger points. Fascia rolls are not suitable for this either, as they work on a large area and therefore cannot penetrate the necessary depth.
With Freeceps and its training concept, both trigger points and trigger bands can be treated all by yourself.